Jake Sully, a paraplegic former marine, replaces his twin brother, a scientist trained to be an avatar operator, who was killed in a mugging. Doctor Grace Augustine, the head of the Avatar Program, considers Sully an inadequate replacement for his brother and relegates him to a bodyguard role.
In their avatar forms, Jake escorts Augustine and biologist Norm Spellman on a mission to reestablish peaceful relations with the Na'vi. A predator attacks the group and Jake becomes separated and lost. Forced to survive the night in Pandora's jungles, he is rescued by Neytiri, a female Na'vi. Neytiri brings Jake to Hometree, which is inhabited by her clan, the Omaticaya. Mo'at, a shaman and Neytiri's mother, shows interest in the warrior "Dream-walker", and instructs her daughter to teach Jake their ways. Colonel Miles Quaritch, leader of the security forces, enlists Jake to bring him intelligence about the natives that could help RDA negotiate for access to the huge unobtanium deposit under Hometree. He promises Jake that he will help him obtain the expensive neuroregeneration treatment to restore control of his legs.

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